Numerology, January 18, 2025: Numbers 1, 5, 7, and 9 — See What’s In Store For Your Day Ahead!

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Last Updated:January 18, 2025, 00:05 IST
Numerology, January 18, 2025: Numbers 1, 5, and 7 will find new opportunities. Number 9 should invest wisely today. Tune into your lucky numbers and colours for guidance on your path.
Numerology predictions for January 18, 2025, by astrologer Chirag Daruwalla. (Image: Shutterstock)
Numerology, January 18, 2025: Jyotish Shastra is a branch of astrology. With its help, predictions can be made about a person’s career to love life. With the help of the radix, we can also find out how successful a person will be in his career. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you that people with which radix get success in their career. Number 1 people can get monetary benefits.
Number 2 people should avoid spending. Number 3 people can get big benefits from small efforts. Number 4 people can get benefits. There is no limit to the generosity and kindness of number 5 people. Number 6 people will soon get recognition by getting involved in activities. Number 7 people can achieve success with hard work. Number 8 people are likely to face litigation. Number 9 people should invest wisely.
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Number 1 (People born on 1, 10, 19 and 28 of any month)
You should avoid being too intensely involved in situations beyond your control. You are in a flamboyant mood today. Be cautious while accepting offers of help, as the possibility of deceit is high today. Expenses are high today and expected monetary gains do not materialise. This is your chance to make a difference in the life of your partner. Your lucky number is 11 and your lucky colour is Peach.
Number 2 (People born on 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month)
Proposals pending with higher authorities are approved in your favour. A loving interaction with your mother is indicated. You are in high spirits all day, due to your excellent health. Do not spend lavishly. Save it for a rainy day. Someone you are attracted to at work feels the same way. It is for you to make the first move. Your lucky number is 5 and your lucky colour is Green.
Number 3 (People born on 3, 12, 21, 30 of any month)
Siblings are helpful and small efforts pay large dividends. You take a deep interest in arts, literature and music today. It does not take much to pacify your rivals at this time. Physical and mental well-being enhances your performance levels. Romance is in the air, enjoy it while it lasts. Your lucky number is 4 and your lucky colour is Electric Grey.
Number 4 (People born on 4, 13, 22 or 31 of any month)
The opportunity to work for the upliftment of the underprivileged presents itself now. This day is going to test you mentally and physically. Take care of your health during this period. Substantial gains are indicated by public relations. Your spendthrift ways hurt your relationship with your partner. Your lucky number is 6 and your lucky colour is Red.
Number 5 (People born on 5, 14, 23 of any month)
Your generosity and kindness know no bounds. An array of mixed feelings overwhelms you today. An eye problem could become worrisome; seek medical advice. A new project is on the anvil. The prospects for romance are good now. Your lucky number is 11 and your lucky colour is Peach.
Number 6 (People born on 6, 15 or 24 of any month)
Involvement in social activities will bring you recognition shortly. Adversaries will not be able to harm you at this time; no matter how hard they try. This is the day to deal with bankers, insurance companies and other agencies associated with your finances. You and your partner share some tender moments now, these are the moments that make life special. Your lucky number is 1 and your lucky colour is Light Red.
Number 7 (People born on 7, 16, and 25 of any month)
This is a great day to spend with friends, having loads of fun. This day is going to test you mentally and physically. Your health is buoyant, making it possible for you to work long and hard. You are in the mood to splurge today. Enjoy yourself. You have a spat of lover, things will sort themselves out just do not push it. Your lucky number is 7 and your lucky colour is Maroon.
Number 8 (People born on 8, 17 and 26 of any month)
You may attend an important ceremony. You are happy and satisfied; the day is full of spectacular achievements. There is a possibility of litigation surfacing at this time. You hit upon a great idea as you plan for the future. There is trouble with your partner; stop the power play if you want to be happy. Your lucky number is 17 and your lucky colour is White.
Number 9 (People born on 9, 18 and 27 of any month)
Tread lightly around your boss; the authorities do not seem well-disposed towards you. Bad news related to children may dampen your day. You are at your peak physically and mentally. There is a strong possibility of losses on the stock market. Invest prudently. Talk with your partner; express your feelings and you will enhance your love life. Your lucky number is 18 and your lucky colour is Rosy Brown.
(The author Chirag Daruwalla is the son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla).
Location : First Published:January 18, 2025, 00:05 IST
News astrology Numerology, January 18, 2025: Numbers 1, 5, 7, and 9 — See What’s In Store For Your Day Ahead!